
Hello, it's been a long while - 1.5 years, to be exact.

I'll be honest, I got so caught up in building another blog that reflects more of my personal passions & helpful for my future career that I completely forgot I even had this one. And school has been so busy - no longer a high school teenager, but a college girl in her 20s - that I don't have time to keep up with my writing, though I really should.

Side note: maybe I should at least finish off my Harry Potter posts.

Just checking in is all.
Maybe I'll come back to this sometime in the near future.



The Making of Harry Potter: Interior Entrance

Here you can see the interior exterior, if that makes any sense at all. Inside the doors of the Warner Bros. studio, but before all the magic begins (that is, if you don't count cast portraits, the Ford Anglia (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets), miscellaneous items from the store, Harry and Ron's trunks and trolleys, and of course, Harry's Cupboard under the Stairs (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone). There is also a nice café and a Starbucks in this area, but if you want the famous Butterbeer, you must wait until you reach the backlot section of the tour.


The Making of Harry Potter: Exterior Entrance

The exterior entrance to the Studios, complete with some pieces from the live-size chess set in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone, and the tour bus.

Myself, I was already freaking outing being a total Potterhead by the time I got off the bus... or even before that: when I saw the bus. Or even as I got off the train and saw the sign for the tour. Or even that evening before. Or even before I arrived in London. Or even...

The Making of Harry Potter: Introduction

I'm happy to introduce a new series to my blog: The Making of Harry Potter.

As you probably don't know, I am an avid Potterehead. A few months back, I had the utmost pleasure in visiting the Warner Brothers studio in London (Leavesden) - this was where the eight Harry Potter movies were filmed, other than those on location.
"Warner Bros. Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter celebrates the incredible craftsmanship behind these films as well as the wonderful production family that called the Studios home for ten years. This tour also marks the first time that fans get the chance to set foot on the actual sets from their favourite movies - at the studios where they were filmed." - The Making of Harry Potter: The Official Guide, Warner Bros.
In the next few posts, tagged with The Making of Harry Potter, I will be sharing my experience at the Studios, along with pictures I have taken and some quick facts that I have learned (if I remember them).

I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed being there.
Mischief managed!


Everyone has a hero in their life...

It could be a Hollywood celebrity, a teacher, a social activist... the limitations are endless.

It could be more than one person or might not even be a person (say, a fictional character maybe?)

Who is your hero?

I know I have a whole lot of them, but there is one running around in my mind right this moment, saving my life (metaphorically speaking) as I write. This person is a hero to me in two different ways: how they make me feel and just how they are as a person. This hero of mine is one of my inspirations; they make me want to become a better person.

Cute Blue Elephant